What is Meology (As Opposed to Theology)?

Renae Nicole
6 min readMay 19, 2020

I want to introduce you to a concept called Meology. When an individual adheres to Meology, they choose the parts of a doctrine that they like or interpret the Bible on their terms to make their religion. When someone picks their faith, they become the moral arbiter of truth instead of the diety of that ideology. Which means they assume the role of judge, jury, and executioner. They make the theology their own.

Often these meologists pick the parts of theology that are easy. They don’t want to take the stances that are against the status quo. If the public widely accepts the issue, this person is more likely to believe in it. Meologists also throw away the hard parts of their religions. If the topic is difficult to explain or takes a lot of knowledge to understand, this individual is more willing to cast it aside.

Every religion has a few parts that aren’t attractive, but I see meology the most in Christian circles because those are the communities I frequent most. Pieces of Christianity are brutal. If you have ever read the Old Testament, you know specific passages in question. But when it comes to meology, I’m not referring to passages like Genesis 34 (The Defiling of Dinah), I’m pointing to Matthew 5–7 (The Sermon on the Mount). Christianity takes strong stances on issues still disputed today; sometimes, those stances aren’t easy to accept.



Renae Nicole

Certified Personal Trainer | Health Coach | Nutrition Coach | Worldview: Christianity