“I finished my Bible in a year, 3 years later!”

Renae Nicole
4 min readApr 11, 2023

Every time I open my Bible app and scroll back approximately 30 days, I remember my mom saying, “I finished my Bible in a year, 3 years later!”

Image via Adobe Stock

One great quality my mom has is doing devotions every morning. It was influential for me as a teenager to come up the stairs in the morning to see her in her chair with her Bible and/or devotions on her lap. What will always stick with me is her announcing that it took her 3 years to read the Bible, from a version that was supposed to be completed in 365 days. She taught me about faith, Christianity, and discipline.

For the past 2–3 years I have been trying to keep up with our church’s Bible in a Year reading plans. For whatever reason, I would get behind every year. We would go on vacation, I would have a stressful week at work, or I would simply forget! Every year I would scramble to get in what I missed, reading multiple entries in one day. I felt I had to “catch up,” but after a while, it became a chore. The Bible in a Year reading plan became a box to check.

I hadn’t gotten anything out of the previous years. I often listened to the app while I was doing chores or driving and my mind would wonder to other subjects. I wasn’t absorbing what I read, nor was I critically thinking about it. Sure I had read a majority of the Bible, but I hadn’t gotten anything out of it…



Renae Nicole
Renae Nicole

Written by Renae Nicole

Certified Personal Trainer | Health Coach | Nutrition Coach | Worldview: Christianity

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